The second part of UNC Workroom FashionMash Experiential Design class was Product Design, which I took Spring 2020. After the COVID-19 crisis closed campus, we had to make a huge pivot to designing in a virtual environment. In just a few weeks, we designed a full line of athleisure products utilizing an on-demand manufacturer. Then, we designed and launched an online store.
The crisis gave us not only the chance to study on-demand fashion e-commerce–and retail in the midst of a crisis—but to create a line of products with a community focus.
We quickly created, a line of easy-wear athleisure apparel that carries the message of hope and resiliency. “Whether you are at home or on the front lines, we hope these designs bring you a sense of comfort, style, and community.”
We raised donated $3,000 in the first month that our website was live and we will continue to host the website until the crisis is over. All the proceeds from our designs were and are donated to #GetUsPPE, so that we can help take care of those who are risking their lives taking care of others.
I can’t thank Dana McMahan enough for this amazing project, Luis Machicao for the much needed mentorship, and everyone else who supported and helped us along the way!
This is a video of the website and below are the designs I created.