March 2019, I was awarded the Curtis Excellence Fund for Extracurricular Activities through UNC’s Media and Journalism School. With this fund, I was able to participate and compete in The One Club Creative Boot Camp in Chicago sponsored by Leo Burnett. The client was Wingstop and the main goal was to increase the consideration of Wingstop among college students.
I spent three long days working with a group on the brief and the day before our presentation, our group of five fell apart as some people lost interest and others were too frustrated. I emphasized that how we presented our ideas would be key to the competition and I told them all to rest, but the next morning no one showed up and the only valid reason I could come up with was that they didn’t feel comfortable presenting work they barely knew.
Overall, I felt extremely powerful presenting by myself a campaign I made complete sense of and created a story and solution for. The people I met – whether it was mentors from Leo Burnett or other passionate advertising students – made the experience amazing and worthwhile. I almost believe that everyone should go through a similar hardship because it taught me more than I can explain.
Here is a copy of my outline + voice over and the powerpoint that went along with it.
Thanks to the Curtis family, The One Club and Leo Burnett!